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Nathan's blog - Le Blog de Nathan
27 février 2009

Update - des nouvelles

Update - des nouvelles
Sorry for the lack of news lately. We moved to the new house on Feb 15th and Nathan got sick that week-end for about a week (some sort of bug). He is doing way better now. He is getting used to daycare (he has been there for almost 1 month now). He is...
7 février 2009

Another day at the park - un apres-midi au parc

Another day at the park - un apres-midi au parc
We tried to take Nathan to a new playground every week-end, as there are quite a few near us and Nathan loves being outside. On essaye d'aller a une nouvelle aire de jeu chaque week-end, vu qu'il y en a pas mal a decouvrir pres de chez nous et que Nathan...
3 février 2009

Bye-bye grandma - Au revoir mamie

Bye-bye grandma - Au revoir mamie
My mother flew back home on Tuesday, after spending 1.5 months with us and looking after Nathan for 1 month. The separation was hard and Nathan started daycare just as she left. Lots of changes for the little boy in the past couple of months and more...
Nathan's blog - Le Blog de Nathan
Nathan's blog - Le Blog de Nathan
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