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Nathan's blog - Le Blog de Nathan
21 août 2009

3 Doctor visits this week - 3 visites chez le medecin cette semaine

This week has not been a great week for Nathan. He had a runny noise, running eyes last week-end, so, I took him to the Doctor on Monday. They gave him drops for pink eyes and asked to keep him home 24 hours, so, I kept him home Monday and Tuesday. He actually likes having us put the drops in his eyes and asks for more ! On wednesday, daycare called us to say that he had a skin rash. They put some cream on it and it went away. I took it to the after hour care that day and the Dr said it was allergy. Could be to the drops he was taking for the pink eyes, so, he gave us different ones. On Thursday, Nathan went back to daycare, and had a different rash, and they got worried he might be contagious, so, I took him back to the after hour care and the Dr said it was hives, could be due to allergy to something in the air, or could be that his body is overreacting the a virus he might have on top of the cold (this Dr said for sure it was not linked to the eye drops!). Dr said it was not contagious though. He contracted the rash only when he goes outside and it goes away when he comes back in, so strange. He is back at daycare today (Friday) and so far, no call. With all of that, Nathan has been sleeping a lot this week, 12 to 13 hours at night and 2 to 5 hours naps ! .. You can see him below with his bike helmet that he put on himself, while sitting on his potty (we haven't tried using it yet, but he likes to sit on it!). helmet

Cette semaine n'a pas ete une super semaine pour Nathan. Il avait le nez et les yeux qui coulaient le week-end dernier, donc, je l'ai emmene chez le Docteur lundi. Il lui a donne des gouttes pour le conjonctivite et m'a demande de la garder a la maison 24 hrs, donc, je l'ai garde lundi et mardi. Il se laisse totallement faire quand on lui met les gouttes dans les yeux et en redemande meme !  Merrcredi, la creche nous a appele car Nathan avait des boutons sur la peau. Ils lui ont mis de la creme et c'est parti. Je l'ai emmene chez le Dr ce soir-la et il a dit que c'etait surement des allergies. Ne sachant pas a quoi, il lui a change ces gouttes pour les yeux. Jeudi, il est retourne a la creche et a refait une eruption de boutons, donc, ils nous ont appele, ayant peur qu'il soit contagieux. Je l'ai remmene chez le Dr et elle a confirme que ce n'eatit qu'une reaction allergique, du coup non contagieuse. Il se peut qu'il soit allergique a quelque chose dans l'air ou que son systeme immunitaire reagisse a un virus qu'il aurait contracte avec son rhume 9dans tous les cas, elle a dit que ce n'etaot surement pas les gouttes!) . C'est vraiment bizzare car les reaction ne se produisent que quand il va dehors et s'en va quand il rentre au frais. Il est de retour a la creche aujourd'hui vendredi et pour le moment, pas d'appel. Avec tout ca, il dort beacoup, entre 12 et 13 hrs la nuit et 2 a 5 hrs de sieste..  Sur la photo, il a son casque de velo qu'il a mis tout seul et il est assis sur son pot. On n'a pas commence a utiliser le pot, mais il aime bien s'asseoir dessus! 

j'espere que nathan va mieux?<br /> je vois que nathan est comme yanis ,ils aiment bien les balades en velo avec leurs mamans.<br /> gros bisous a vous 3<br /> fanie
Oh, and I meant to say I love the combination of the helmet and potty! I just bought Ciaran a potty seat (for the big toilet) and showed him how to sit on it and I noticed him 'take a seat' later in the day. He also loves wearing hats.
Poor little guy :( I hope everything clears up, now. He is turning into such a handsome little man. I love that I can see him grow up through your blog :)
Nathan's blog - Le Blog de Nathan
Nathan's blog - Le Blog de Nathan
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