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Nathan's blog - Le Blog de Nathan
31 août 2008

week-end at/avec Angelina's

week-end at/avec Angelina's
Last week-end, we spent 2 days at Veronica and Luis, with Rob (who has been staying with us for a few weeks in August). We had a great time at their ranch and Nathan had a blast playing with Chance's ball (the dog's ball). Angelina kept her distance from...
30 août 2008

fun on the slide - on s'amuse sur le toboggan

fun on the slide - on s'amuse sur le toboggan
We spent some time at our local park on Saturday, where Nathan tried the slide, with and without his daddy. He seemed to enjoy it. Nathan a descnedu le taboggan samedi au parc a cote de chez nous, d'abord avec son papa, puis tout seul. Il a bien appr...
30 août 2008

photo shoot in the park - sceance photo au parc

photo shoot in the park - sceance photo au parc
Enjoy !
29 août 2008

Latest moving technic - derniere decouverte

Nathan is now moving backward on his back, by pushing on his feet and lifting his but up. That's how he was able to get under the side table. Click here to see how he does it - cliquer ici pour voir comment il fait Nathan se deplace maintenant en arriere...
29 août 2008

hide and seek - cache-cache

hide and seek - cache-cache
Looks like Nathan found a good place to hide! On dirait que Nathan a trouve la cachette parfaite !
28 août 2008

9 months - 9 mois

9 months - 9 mois
Okay, I'm just a few weeks behind! Nathan tunred 9 months (hard to believe) on Aug 6th. He had his 9 months doctor appointement on Aug 14th and he was 17lbs 11 ounces for 27.5 inches or so. He grew a lot in the last couple of months, and doesn't fit anymore...
27 août 2008

Visitors - visiteurs

Visitors - visiteurs
We had guests for the whole month of August (which is great, it makes work goes by faster!). It started with Rob, our friend from England, for a couple of weeks and then Shirley, Russell's sister's mother in law (or Russell's nephews' grand-mother!) stayed...
20 août 2008

Look mummy, I'm a train - regarde maman, je suis un train

Look mummy, I'm a train - regarde maman, je suis un train
Now idea how he managed to tangled himself inside his foam playmat! Je ne sais pas comment il a reussi a s'entortiller dans son tapis de jeu en mousse !
17 août 2008

my new toys - les nouveaux jouets

my new toys - les nouveaux jouets
As I mentionned previously, we came back from Los Angeles with a trunk full of toys for Nathan. Natahn is having fun discovering the new toys. Click here to watch Nathan playing the xylophone - cliquer ici pour voir Nathan qui joue du xylophone Comme...
9 août 2008

Week-end in/a Los Angeles

Week-end in/a Los Angeles
Last week-end, we drove down to Los Angeles for my friend Evelyn's birthday party. Nathan did really good on the drive down (6 hour drive). He slept most of the time and we stopped only once to feed him. We celebrated Evelyn's birthday on Saturday. As...
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Nathan's blog - Le Blog de Nathan
Nathan's blog - Le Blog de Nathan
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